
How to Start an Accredited Bible College

Starting an accredited Bible college is a wonderful experience that provides opportunities for many people. Although it does take a genuine commitment to start an accredited Bible college it is not extremely expensive nor is it an overly arduous project. Maybe you want to know how to start an accredited Christian university or bible college; you will find here everything you need to fulfill your goal.

Our belief is that most individuals who desire to start an accredited Bible college are those who are committed to teach, train and equip all who will come to and through the school. It is a conviction that has to be felt so that you can thoroughly fulfill the requirements of starting one.

Unfortunately, there are not many good resources out there to teach and train you on how to launch your own bible college.

In our Start Your Own Christian College Program, we’ll help you to start your own accredited Christian university or bible college. We’ll also provide for you all the resources you will need to launch an accredited bible college.

To make the process easier:

• Have a budget in mind.

• A general understanding of how you’re going to operate the college (online, distance-learning or face to face.

• Have a group of two or three (2-3) people who will be able to help you in the initial stages.

• Have a strong vision for your bible college.

Having these three things in place will help you in the beginning stages of starting your accredited Bible college.

Other Points to Consider Before you Start an Accredited Bible College

Assess who will teach

Do you have a network of equipped teachers who will be willing to lend their expertise and education for the edification of others? Having a few teachers will make creating courses and their content much easier.

• Organizational structure

Many Bible colleges are founded by church leaders with a body of people who are following them and desire to learn more from them. This makes it easy for Pastor’s, leaders, speakers, mentors and the like who are interested in truly equipping masses of people. If you do not have a body of people to teach ask yourself how will you reach your ideal student?

• Areas of expertise

What areas of expertise would you like your college to be known for? Bearing this in mind will give you the opportunity to create a college that is specific and caters to a certain type of people. When you serve those people well it is inevitable that many other people will follow.

Marketing your Bible College

Without marketing, your bible college will not be successful. Marketing a Christian University requires work and action. You can start by reaching out to your church members, community and social media. The more you promote your bible college the more students you will have.

The Best School Administration Software

You’ll need an easy to use school administration and management software to help you to run, manage and grow your school. In my opinion and also based on many great reviews, the best school administration software is Vonza Schools which is an all-in-one school and university management platform.

It is very proficient in helping Christian universities, schools and bible colleges to effectively run their school operations from admissions to graduation of the students.

For the step by step process of starting an accredited bible college click on the button below.

Within this course you will find all that you need to start and expand your college.