speak confidently at tedx event

How to Confidently Speak at a TEDx Event in 2024

TEDx events are known for their inspiring and thought-provoking talks, featuring speakers from a diverse range of backgrounds and industries. These talks have the power to spark meaningful conversations and drive change in our society. In 2024, the world will continue to evolve and the demand for powerful and confident speakers is at an all-time high. Whether you have been invited to speak at a TEDx event or aspire to do so in the future, it is crucial to have the skills and confidence to deliver a successful talk.

In this article, we will discuss the key elements of delivering a powerful TEDx talk and provide tips on how to confidently speak at a TEDx event in 2024. With the right preparation and mindset, you can captivate your audience and make a lasting impact with your message. So, let’s dive into the world of TEDx and discover how you can confidently take the stage and leave a lasting impression.

Table of Contents

The Difference between TED and TEDx

TED and TEDx are two distinct platforms that share a common goal of spreading ideas and promoting thought-provoking discussions. While they have similarities, there are significant differences between the two that are worth exploring.

What is TED?

TEDx event

TED, which stands for Technology, Entertainment, and Design, is a global conference that showcases talks from experts in various fields. The main TED conference is held annually in Vancouver, Canada, and features a carefully curated lineup of speakers who are considered leaders in their respective industries. The talks are meticulously planned and rehearsed, ensuring that they deliver a powerful and impactful message in just 18 minutes or less. TED talks are known for their high production value and polished presentations, often incorporating multimedia elements to enhance the audience’s understanding and engagement.

What is TEDx?

TEDx events are independently organized and licensed under TED’s guidelines. These events, which take place all around the world, provide a platform for local communities to share ideas and inspire change. TEDx events are organized by passionate individuals who adhere to TED’s principles of fostering dialogue and sharing innovative ideas. While TEDx events follow a similar format to the main TED conference, they allow for a wider range of speakers and topics, reflecting the unique perspectives and interests of the local community.

In summary, TED and TEDx both aim to spread ideas worth sharing, but they differ in terms of scale, organization, and speaker selection. While TED offers a curated experience with world-renowned speakers, TEDx provides a platform for local voices and grassroots initiatives. Both platforms offer valuable insights and perspectives, making them powerful tools for intellectual stimulation and community engagement.

The Process to Getting invited to Speak at TEDx

The process of getting invited to speak at TEDx events is a rigorous and highly competitive one. TEDx, a globally recognized platform for sharing innovative and transformative ideas, attracts countless individuals who aspire to be part of this prestigious stage. To have the opportunity to deliver a TEDx talk, one must demonstrate exceptional expertise, thought leadership, and a unique perspective on a compelling topic. Here’s an overview of the steps involved:

1. Discover Relevant TEDx Events:

  • Research and identify TEDx events that align with your message and values.
  • Choose an event that resonates with your ideas and offers a suitable platform for your talk.

2. Submit a Comprehensive Application:

  • Develop a thorough application showcasing your background, expertise, and the potential impact of your talk.
  • Clearly articulate your unique perspective on a compelling topic.
  • Emphasize your passion, authenticity, and the ability to inspire and engage audiences.

3. TEDx Selection Committee Review:

  • The selection committee meticulously reviews applications, seeking powerful stories and fresh perspectives.
  • Look for authentic speakers who can bring new insights and provoke thought-provoking discussions.

4. Interview or Audition:

  • If your application stands out, you may be invited for an interview or audition.
  • Prepare thoroughly, rehearse your talk, and demonstrate your ability to captivate an audience.

5. Intensive Rehearsal Process:

  • If selected, be prepared for an intensive rehearsal process with TEDx organizers.
  • Collaborate to refine your talk, ensuring it is engaging, concise, and aligns with the TEDx format.
  • Showcase your unique voice and delivery style during rehearsals.

6. Delivering Your TEDx Talk:

  • Finally, if chosen, deliver your talk at the TEDx event with confidence and authenticity.
  • Share your groundbreaking ideas and inspire conversations that can potentially change the world.

In conclusion, the process of getting invited to speak at a TEDx event involves a rigorous selection process, highlighting the importance of expertise, authenticity, and the ability to inspire and engage audiences. It requires a deep understanding of the TEDx platform and a compelling message that resonates with the TEDx community. So, if you have a groundbreaking idea worth sharing, embark on this journey, and who knows, you may find yourself standing on the TEDx stage, igniting conversations that can change the world.

Mastering The TEDx way of Delivering a Talk

Delivering a TEDx talk is a unique and impactful experience that requires careful consideration of both content and delivery. Here’s a guide to mastering the TEDx way of delivering a talk:

  1. Start with a Captivating Hook: The opening moments of your TEDx talk are critical. Begin with a compelling story, a surprising fact, or a thought-provoking question that grabs your audience’s attention. Make them curious about what you have to say.
  2. Craft a Clear and Purposeful Message: Define your core message early on. What is the one idea you want your audience to take away? Ensure that your message is clear, concise, and aligned with the theme of the event. TEDx talks are about sharing ideas worth spreading.
  3. Build a Narrative Arc: Structure your talk like a story with a clear beginning, middle, and end. Take your audience on a journey by presenting a problem, introducing a solution, and concluding with a powerful resolution. This narrative arc helps maintain engagement and makes your talk more memorable.
  4. Use the Power of Visuals: TEDx talks are not just about words; they are a visual experience. Utilize slides, images, and videos to enhance your narrative. Visuals not only help in conveying complex ideas but also create a more immersive and memorable experience for the audience.
  5. Connect Emotionally: Emotion is a powerful tool in communication. Share personal anecdotes, stories, or examples that evoke emotion. Connect with your audience on a human level, making your talk relatable and memorable.
  6. Master the Art of Delivery: Practice, practice, practice! Rehearse your talk multiple times to ensure smooth delivery. Pay attention to your tone, pace, and body language. Engage with the audience through eye contact, and let your passion for the topic shine through.
  7. Foster Interaction: TEDx talks are not one-sided; they’re a conversation. Encourage audience interaction through questions, polls, or thought-provoking prompts. Create a space for dialogue and make your talk a shared experience.
  8. Embrace Vulnerability: Authenticity is key. Share your challenges, failures, and the lessons you’ve learned. Vulnerability makes you more relatable, and it invites the audience to connect with you on a deeper level.
  9. End with a Call to Action: Leave your audience with a clear call to action. What do you want them to do with the information you’ve shared? Whether it’s changing a behavior, adopting a new perspective, or taking concrete steps, inspire your audience to make a difference.

In conclusion, the TEDx way of delivering a talk is rooted in authenticity, brevity, and open-mindedness. It is a platform that celebrates the power of ideas and the potential of individuals to make a difference. As we embark on this intellectual journey together, let us embrace the spirit of TEDx and be inspired to unlock the extraordinary within ourselves and our world. Thank you.

Developing Confidence

TEDx event
How to develop confidence

Confidence is not something you are born with, but rather something you can develop and nurture throughout your life. It is not an innate trait that some people possess while others do not; it is a skill that can be learned and honed over time. This realization is empowering because it means that anyone can cultivate their confidence, regardless of their starting point. Building confidence requires a combination of self-awareness, self-belief, and practice. Here’s how you can develop confidence to sell online and do other personal things;

Self-Awareness: Self-awareness plays a crucial role in developing confidence. Understanding your strengths, weaknesses, and areas for growth allows you to set realistic goals and take steps towards achieving them. By acknowledging your talents and accomplishments, you can boost your self-esteem and build a solid foundation for confidence to thrive upon.

Cultivating Self-Belief is Essential: It involves challenging negative self-talk and replacing it with positive affirmations. Remind yourself of past successes and focus on your abilities rather than dwelling on perceived failures. Embrace your uniqueness and trust in your abilities to overcome obstacles and achieve your goals. Remember that confidence is not about being perfect; it is about embracing imperfections and having faith in your own capabilities.

Practice: Practice is paramount in developing confidence. Step outside of your comfort zone and take on new challenges. Each small victory will contribute to your overall sense of confidence. Whether it is speaking up in a meeting, presenting in front of a crowd, or taking on a leadership role, each experience will build upon the next, strengthening your belief in yourself.

In conclusion, confidence is not a fixed trait that you are born with. It is something that can be developed and nurtured throughout your life. By cultivating self-awareness, self-belief, and practicing new experiences, you can steadily build your confidence and make millions in your online business. Remember, confidence is a journey, and embracing the process is just as important as the destination.

Thoughts, Emotions and Actions (TEA) How They Affect Your Confidence

The relationship between thoughts, emotions, and actions is intricate and dynamic, influencing various aspects of our lives, including our confidence. Understanding this interplay can offer insights into how certain patterns contribute to either building or undermining confidence.

  1. Thoughts as Precursors:
    • Formation of Beliefs: Confidence often begins with our thoughts. Our beliefs and self-perceptions shape the lens through which we view ourselves and the world. Positive thoughts, such as “I am capable” or “I can overcome challenges,” contribute to a confident mindset.
    • Self-Talk: The ongoing internal dialogue, or self-talk, significantly impacts confidence. Negative self-talk, marked by self-criticism or doubt, can erode confidence. Conversely, positive self-talk reinforces a strong foundation for self-assurance.
  2. Emotions as Catalysts:
    • Emotional Response to Thoughts: Thoughts trigger emotional responses. Positive thoughts often evoke emotions such as joy, pride, and enthusiasm, which contribute to a sense of confidence. Conversely, negative thoughts can lead to emotions like fear, anxiety, or self-doubt, undermining confidence.
    • Feedback Loop: There is a continuous feedback loop between thoughts and emotions. Positive thoughts generate positive emotions, which, in turn, reinforce positive thoughts. Conversely, negative thoughts can initiate a downward spiral of negative emotions that further impact confidence.
  3. Actions as Manifestations:
    • Behavioral Responses to Emotions: Emotions influence our behavior. Positive emotions can drive proactive and confident actions, such as taking on challenges or pursuing goals. Negative emotions may lead to avoidance, hesitation, or self-sabotaging behaviors, diminishing confidence.
    • Self-Fulfilling Prophecy: Our actions often align with our beliefs. If we believe we can succeed, we are more likely to take actions that lead to success. On the contrary, if our beliefs are rooted in self-doubt, our actions may reflect a lack of confidence, potentially hindering success.
  4. Impact on Confidence:
    • Cumulative Effect: Over time, the cumulative effect of thoughts, emotions, and actions shapes our overall confidence. A pattern of positive thoughts, emotions, and actions reinforces a robust sense of confidence, while a cycle of negativity can contribute to low self-esteem.
    • Mind-Body Connection: The mind-body connection is evident in how our thoughts and emotions can manifest physically. Positive thoughts and emotions contribute to a confident posture and demeanor, while negative thoughts may result in tense body language, further affecting how we are perceived by others.
  5. Breaking the Cycle:
    • Cognitive Restructuring: To enhance confidence, it’s essential to identify and challenge negative thought patterns. Cognitive restructuring involves replacing negative thoughts with more positive and realistic ones, fostering a healthier mindset.
    • Behavioral Interventions: Actively engaging in behaviors that align with confidence, even in small steps, can disrupt negative cycles. Gradual exposure to challenges and celebrating small victories contributes to a positive feedback loop.

In summary, thoughts, emotions, and actions are interconnected elements that shape our confidence. By cultivating positive thoughts, managing emotions, and taking purposeful actions, individuals can foster a robust sense of confidence and navigate life’s challenges with resilience and self-assurance.

How to Walk through Your Emotions and Get Your Desired Results

Are you feeling overwhelmed by your emotions? Do you find yourself getting stuck and unable to move forward? It’s time to learn how to walk through your emotions and achieve your desired results.  Steps to achieving your desired results are;

Acknowledge and Recognize your Emotions: Take a moment to sit with them and understand what you are feeling. Are you angry, sad, or maybe even anxious? By naming your emotions, you gain control over them and can begin to navigate through them effectively.

Embrace your Emotions: It’s important to embrace your emotions without judgment. Remember, feelings are not good or bad; they are simply a part of being human. Allow yourself to fully experience and express your emotions. This could be through journaling, talking to a trusted friend, or even just giving yourself permission to cry or scream if needed.

Why the Emotions?:  It’s time to explore the underlying reasons behind them. Ask yourself why you are feeling this way and what triggered these emotions. This self-reflection will help you gain insights into your thought patterns and behaviors.

Redirect your Focus: Now, it’s time to shift your focus towards your desired results. What outcome do you want to achieve? Whether it’s finding peace, resolving a conflict, or gaining clarity, clearly define your goal. Visualize yourself attaining this desired result, and let this vision guide your actions.

Make a Move: Take proactive steps towards your desired results. This could involve setting boundaries, practicing self-care, or seeking professional help if needed. Remember, progress takes time, so be patient with yourself and celebrate small victories along the way.

By following these steps, you can effectively walk through your emotions, achieve your desired results and build your personal brand from scratch. Remember, emotions are a natural part of life, and by embracing them, you can gain valuable insights and grow as an individual. So, take that first step towards emotional empowerment and start walking through your emotions today.


Speaking confidently at a TEDx event in 2024 requires careful preparation and practice. It is important to start by selecting a topic that ignites passion and aligns with the event’s theme. Researching extensively and gathering relevant data will help in developing a strong and impactful message. Crafting a compelling narrative and incorporating personal anecdotes can captivate the audience. Additionally, rehearsing the presentation multiple times, seeking feedback, and making necessary revisions will enhance confidence and delivery. Embracing stage presence, using effective body language, and engaging with the audience through eye contact and gestures will further enhance the impact of the talk. By following these steps and putting in the necessary effort, anyone can confidently speak at a TEDx event in 2024 and inspire others with their ideas.

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