side hustle ideas

The Best Side Hustle Ideas 99% of People Don’t Know In 2024

It has become increasingly common for people to turn to side hustles as a means of supplementing their income. Whether it’s to pay off debt, save for a dream vacation, or simply have some extra spending money, side hustles have become a popular and lucrative option. However, with so many side hustle ideas out there, it can be challenging to find the ones that truly stand out and have the potential for success. That’s where we come in. 

In this article, we will be exploring the best side hustle ideas that 99% of people don’t know – and perhaps even more importantly, the ones that will continue to thrive in the ever-evolving job market of 2024. From the rise of the gig economy to the impact of technology, we will dive deep into the world of side hustles and provide you with a comprehensive guide to finding the perfect one for you. So, if you’re ready to take your financial goals to the next level, let’s explore the best side hustle ideas 99% of people don’t know in 2024.

Table of Contents

The Ability to Regulate Your Mindset

The ability to regulate your mindset is one of the key factors in discovering the best side hustle ideas that the majority of people are unaware of in 2024. In this fast-paced digital age, where traditional employment is becoming more uncertain, individuals need to think outside the box to secure their financial stability. By honing the skill of regulating one’s mindset, people can tap into their creative potential and uncover unique opportunities that others may overlook. This involves developing a growth mindset, embracing challenges, and cultivating resilience in the face of setbacks. With the right mindset, individuals can navigate the ever-changing landscape of the gig economy and identify side hustle ideas that have the potential for success in 2024 and beyond.

The Coaching Business

The coaching business has emerged as one of the best side hustle ideas in 2024 that the majority of people are unaware of. With the rise of digital platforms and the increasing demand for personal development, individuals are seeking guidance and mentorship in various aspects of their lives. As a coach, you can leverage your expertise and provide valuable insights to help others achieve their goals. Whether it’s life coaching, career coaching, or even specialized niches like health and wellness coaching, the possibilities are endless. By offering personalized sessions, online courses, or group workshops, you can not only make a significant impact on people’s lives but also generate a substantial income for yourself. The best part is, you can easily start this side hustle with minimal investment and work from the comfort of your own home.

The best side hustle business

Why Coaching?

  1. Passion into Profit:

Transform your passion and expertise into a source of income. Whether you excel in leadership, wellness, career development, or a specific skill, coaching allows you to monetize your knowledge while making a positive impact on others.

  1. Flexibility and Freedom:

As a side hustle, coaching offers unparalleled flexibility. You can set your own schedule, choose your clients, and conduct sessions online or in person. This flexibility makes coaching an ideal side gig that can seamlessly integrate into your existing commitments.

  1. Low Barrier to Entry:

Unlike some businesses that require significant upfront investment, starting a coaching business has a relatively low barrier to entry. You can begin with minimal costs, gradually expanding as your client base grows.

  1. Personal Growth and Fulfillment:

Coaching is a two-way street. While you guide others toward their goals, the process also fosters your personal growth and fulfillment. Witnessing your clients succeed becomes a source of intrinsic reward, creating a positive feedback loop.

Getting Started:

  1. Identify Your Niche: Define your coaching niche based on your expertise and passion. Whether it’s life coaching, career coaching, health and wellness coaching, or another area, specificity helps you target the right audience.
  2. Acquire Relevant Skills: Invest time in acquiring or enhancing the skills necessary for effective coaching. This might include obtaining certifications, attending workshops, or gaining practical experience in your chosen field.
  3. Build an Online Presence: Establish an online presence through a professional website and social media platforms. Share valuable content, testimonials, and insights to showcase your expertise and attract potential clients.
  4. Set Clear Services and Pricing: Clearly outline the coaching services you offer and establish transparent pricing. Consider offering introductory packages or free consultations to new members to attract them.

Embarking on a coaching business as a side hustle is not just about helping others—it’s an opportunity for personal and professional growth. By leveraging your expertise, embracing flexibility, and cultivating meaningful connections, you can turn your passion for coaching into a fulfilling and profitable side hustle. Whether you’re guiding individuals toward personal development, career success, or healthier lifestyles, the coaching business is a side hustle idea that has the potential to transform lives—yours and those of your clients.

Cleaning Business

Cleaning business is one of the best side hustle ideas that 99% of people don’t know about in 2024. With the increasing demand for cleanliness and hygiene, starting a cleaning business can be a lucrative venture. People are now more conscious about maintaining a clean and sanitized environment, be it in their homes or workplaces, creating a high demand for professional cleaning services. By offering your expertise in cleaning, organizing, and maintaining spaces, you can tap into this market and generate a steady stream of income. Whether it’s residential cleaning, office cleaning, or specialized cleaning services like post-construction cleanup or deep cleaning, there are various niches to explore within the cleaning industry. With proper marketing and exceptional service, your cleaning business can thrive and become a well-known name in the industry.

The best side hustle; cleaning business

Why Start a Cleaning Business:

  1. Low Start-up Costs:

A cleaning business doesn’t require a significant initial investment. Basic cleaning supplies and reliable transportation are usually all you need to kickstart your venture.

  1. Steady Demand:

Cleaning is a service that remains in demand year-round. From busy professionals to families, many people are willing to outsource their cleaning tasks, ensuring a consistent flow of potential clients.

  1. Flexible Schedule:

As a side hustle, a cleaning business provides flexibility in scheduling. You can take on clients during evenings or weekends, allowing you to maintain your current job or other commitments.

  1. Scalability:

While you can start small with a few clients, the scalability of a cleaning business allows you to expand your services as your side hustle grows. You can hire additional help or offer specialized cleaning services to meet different client needs.

  1. Quick Turnaround:

Cleaning services often provide a quick turnaround for both you and your clients. This means faster payments and the ability to take on multiple clients within a short time frame.

How to Get Started:

1. Define Your Services: Determine the types of cleaning services you want to offer. This could range from basic residential cleaning to specialized services like deep cleaning or post-construction cleanups.

2. Legal Considerations: Check local regulations and obtain any necessary licenses or permits for your cleaning business. This step ensures that you’re operating legally and builds trust with potential clients.

3. Pricing Your Services: Research the pricing structures of other cleaning businesses in your area. Consider factors like the size of the space, the type of cleaning required, and any additional services. Set competitive yet profitable rates for your services.

4. Marketing and Branding: Create a strong brand identity for your cleaning business. Develop a professional logo and business name, and establish an online presence through a website and social media platforms. Utilize local advertising channels, such as community bulletin boards and local publications, to spread the word.

5. Equipment and Supplies: Invest in high-quality cleaning equipment and supplies. Ensure you have the essentials such as mops, vacuum cleaners, cleaning solutions, and safety gear. The right tools will enhance the efficiency and quality of your services.

6. Develop a Cleaning Routine: Establish a systematic cleaning routine to ensure consistency and thoroughness. Having a structured approach not only improves your efficiency but also sets clear expectations for your clients.

7. Set Clear Policies: Define your business policies, including rates, cancellation policies, and the scope of services. Clearly communicate these policies to clients to avoid misunderstandings and build trust.

8. Build a Client Base: Start by offering your services to friends, family, and neighbors to build a client base and gather testimonials. Encourage satisfied clients to refer your services to others, and consider offering promotions for first-time clients to attract new business.

9. Provide Exceptional Customer Service: Exceptional customer service is key to the success of your cleaning business. Be reliable, responsive to client needs, and consistently deliver high-quality cleaning services. Positive word of mouth can significantly contribute to your business’s growth.

10. Evaluate and Adapt: Regularly evaluate your business performance and seek feedback from clients. Use this information to adapt and improve your services continually. Being adaptable and responsive to client needs will contribute to the long-term success of your cleaning side hustle.

Starting a cleaning business as a side hustle is not only a practical venture but also an opportunity to turn a necessary service into a profitable and fulfilling endeavor. With the right approach and dedication, you can build a successful cleaning business that adds a sparkle to both homes and your financial portfolio.

Photography Business

One of the best side hustle ideas that 99% of people may not be aware of in 2024 is starting a photography business. With the increasing demand for visually appealing content in today’s digital age, there is a growing need for talented photographers. Whether it’s capturing special moments at weddings, creating stunning portraits, or even selling your photographs online, a photography business can be a profitable and fulfilling side hustle. With advancements in technology, it has become easier to learn and improve photography skills, allowing individuals to turn their passion for capturing moments into a successful venture. By investing in quality equipment, developing a unique style, and marketing your services effectively, you can tap into this untapped market and unlock a whole new world of opportunities in the side hustle landscape.

Why Start a Photography Business as a Side Hustle:

Photography; the best side hustle
  1. Express Your Creativity:

Photography is an art form that allows you to express your creativity and capture moments in a visually compelling way. Starting a photography business lets you turn your passion into a source of income.

  1. Flexible Schedule:

As a side hustle, photography offers flexibility in scheduling. You can take on gigs during weekends or evenings, making it manageable alongside a full-time job or other commitments.

  1. Diverse Niches:

Photography encompasses various niches, from portraits and events to product photography and real estate. You can choose a niche that aligns with your interests and expertise, allowing you to specialize and stand out in the market.

  1. Minimal Start-up Costs:

Unlike some businesses that require substantial upfront investment, you can start a photography business with relatively minimal costs. A good camera, some essential lenses, and basic editing software may be all you need to begin.

  1. High Demand for Visual Content:

In today’s visually-oriented world, there’s a high demand for quality visual content. Businesses, individuals, and events often seek professional photographers to create eye-catching images for their websites, marketing materials, and social media.

How to Get Started:

1. Define Your Niche: Identify the specific niche of photography you want to focus on. This could be portraits, events, weddings, product photography, or any other area that aligns with your interests and skills.

2. Invest in Quality Equipment: While you don’t need the most expensive gear, investing in a good camera, a variety of lenses, and basic lighting equipment is essential for producing high-quality images. Consider both new and used equipment based on your budget.

3. Build a Portfolio: Create a portfolio showcasing your best work. This collection of images will serve as a visual resume for potential clients. Include a variety of shots that highlight your skills and versatility in your chosen niche.

4. Set Your Pricing: Determine your pricing structure based on factors such as your experience, location, and the type of services you offer. Research industry rates to ensure your prices are competitive and reflective of your skills.

5. Establish an Online Presence: Create a professional website to showcase your portfolio and provide information about your services. Utilize social media platforms to share your work, engage with potential clients, and build an online presence.

6. Network and Collaborate: Attend local events, join photography groups, and network with other professionals in your community. Building relationships with fellow photographers, event planners, or business owners can lead to collaborative opportunities and referrals.

7. Advertise Your Services: Use online and offline channels to advertise your photography services. This can include online ads, business cards, and partnerships with local businesses. Leverage word-of-mouth by encouraging satisfied clients to share their positive experiences.

8. Offer Special Promotions: To attract initial clients, consider offering special promotions or discounts for your photography services. This can help you build a client base and generate positive reviews and referrals.

9. Provide Exceptional Customer Service: Exceptional customer service is crucial in the photography business. Be professional, reliable, and responsive to client inquiries. A positive client experience can lead to repeat business and referrals.

10. Continuously Improve Your Skills: Stay informed about the latest trends, techniques, and equipment in the world of photography. Continuously improve your skills through online courses, workshops, or mentorship programs. The more you invest in your craft, the more valuable your services will become.

Starting a photography business as a side hustle is not only a creative outlet but also a pathway to potential financial success. By combining your passion for photography with strategic business practices, you can turn moments into income and build a thriving photography business that complements your lifestyle and aspirations.

Videography Business

One of the best side hustle ideas that 99% of people don’t know in 2024 is starting a videography business. With the rise of social media, online content creation, and the demand for high-quality videos, there is a huge market for skilled videographers. Whether it’s capturing special events like weddings, creating promotional videos for businesses, or shooting music videos for aspiring artists, videography can be a lucrative side hustle. You can invest in a good camera, learn editing skills, and promote your services through social media platforms and online marketplaces. With the right equipment, creativity, and marketing strategies, you could potentially turn your passion for videography into a profitable side business.

Why Start a Videography Business as a Side Hustle:

side hustle ideas 99% of people don't know in 2024
  1. Visual Storytelling:

Videography allows you to tell stories in a dynamic and engaging way. From capturing life’s special moments to creating compelling marketing videos, videography lets you express creativity through the lens.

  1. Growing Demand for Video Content:

In today’s digital age, there’s an increasing demand for high-quality video content. Businesses, individuals, and events are constantly seeking professional videographers to create impactful videos for their websites, social media, and promotional materials.

  1. Flexible Schedule:

Videography as a side hustle offers flexibility in scheduling. You can take on projects during weekends or evenings, making it manageable alongside a full-time job or other commitments.

  1. Diverse Clientele:

Videography spans various niches, including events, weddings, corporate videos, documentaries, and more. You can choose a niche that aligns with your interests and expertise, allowing you to specialize and cater to specific client needs.

  1. Minimal Start-up Costs:

While professional videography equipment can be an investment, you can start with basic gear and gradually upgrade as your business grows. Many successful videographers began with modest equipment and expanded over time.

How to Get Started:

1. Define Your Niche: Identify the specific niche or type of videography you want to specialize in. This could be wedding videography, event coverage, corporate videos, or any other area that aligns with your skills and interests.

2. Invest in Quality Equipment: Acquire reliable videography equipment, including a good camera, lenses, audio equipment, and lighting gear. The quality of your equipment contributes significantly to the quality of your final product.

3. Build a Portfolio: Create a portfolio showcasing your best videography work. This collection of videos will serve as a visual resume for potential clients. Include a variety of projects that highlight your skills and versatility in your chosen niche.

4. Set Your Pricing: Determine your pricing structure based on factors such as your experience, location, and the type of services you offer. Research industry rates to ensure your prices are competitive and reflective of your skills.

5. Establish an Online Presence: Create a professional website to showcase your portfolio and provide information about your videography services. Leverage social media platforms to share your work, engage with potential clients, and build an online presence.

6. Network and Collaborate: Attend local events, join videography groups, and network with other professionals in your community. Building relationships with event planners, businesses, or fellow videographers can lead to collaborative opportunities and referrals.

7. Advertise Your Services: Utilize both online and offline channels to advertise your videography services. This can include online ads, business cards, and partnerships with local businesses. Showcase your work in a way that resonates with potential clients.

8. Offer Special Promotions: To attract initial clients, consider offering special promotions or discounts for your videography services. This can help you build a client base and generate positive reviews and referrals.

9. Provide Exceptional Customer Service: Exceptional customer service is key in the videography business. Be professional, reliable, and responsive to client inquiries. A positive client experience can lead to repeat business and positive word-of-mouth referrals.

10. Stay Updated and Inspired: Stay informed about the latest videography trends, techniques, and equipment. Attend workshops, watch tutorials, and engage with the videography community to continually improve your skills and stay inspired.

Starting a videography business as a side hustle allows you to blend creativity with entrepreneurship. By combining your passion for videography with strategic business practices, you can turn your skills into income and build a thriving videography business that complements your lifestyle and aspirations.


Freelancing has become one of the most lucrative side hustle ideas that the majority of people are still unaware of in 2024. With the rise of remote work and the gig economy, freelancing offers individuals the opportunity to harness their skills and expertise to earn a substantial income. Whether it’s graphic design, content writing, web development, or social media management, freelancers can leverage online platforms to find clients worldwide. The best part is that freelancing allows for flexible working hours and the ability to choose projects that align with one’s passions and interests. With the right marketing strategies and a solid portfolio, freelancers can tap into a vast pool of opportunities and create a successful side hustle that complements their full-time job or serves as a primary source of income.

side hustle ideas 99% of people don't know

Why Choose Freelancing as a Side Hustle:

  1. Flexibility in Schedule:

Freelancing allows you to set your own work hours. This flexibility is ideal for individuals with other commitments, such as a full-time job, family responsibilities, or pursuing education.

  1. Diverse Range of Skills:

Freelancing spans various industries, offering opportunities for writers, graphic designers, programmers, marketers, consultants, and more. You can leverage your existing skills or develop new ones to meet the demands of the freelancing market.

  1. Autonomy and Control:

As a freelancer, you have control over your projects, clients, and workflow. You get to choose the type of work you take on, the clients you collaborate with, and the pace at which you work.

  1. Unlimited Income Potential:

Freelancing often provides the opportunity to earn based on your skills, expertise, and the value you bring to clients. Successful freelancers can command higher rates as they build a strong portfolio and reputation.

  1. Portfolio Building:

Freelancing allows you to build a diverse and impressive portfolio of work. This portfolio becomes a powerful tool for attracting new clients, showcasing your expertise, and establishing yourself as a reputable freelancer in your field.

How to Get Started with Freelancing:

1. Identify Your Skills: Assess your skills and identify the services you can offer as a freelancer. Whether it’s writing, graphic design, programming, marketing, or consulting, understanding your strengths is the first step.

2. Create a Professional Profile: Develop a professional online presence by creating a profile on freelancing platforms such as Upwork, Fiverr, or Freelancer. Your profile should highlight your skills, experience, and showcase previous work.

3. Define Your Niche: Define your niche within your chosen field. Specializing in a specific niche can make you more attractive to clients looking for expertise in a particular area.

4. Set Your Rates: Research industry rates and set competitive yet fair rates for your services. Consider your experience, the complexity of the tasks, and the market demand when determining your pricing.

5. Build a Portfolio: Create a portfolio that showcases your best work. If you’re just starting, consider doing a few projects at a reduced rate or even for free to build a portfolio and gain initial reviews.

6. Craft Compelling Proposals: When applying for freelance gigs, craft personalized and compelling proposals. Clearly communicate your skills, experience, and how you can add value to the client’s project.

7. Network and Collaborate: Network within your industry and collaborate with other freelancers. Building relationships can lead to referrals, collaborative projects, and a supportive community.

8. Deliver Exceptional Service: Provide exceptional service to your clients. Meeting deadlines, communicating effectively, and delivering high-quality work will contribute to positive reviews and repeat business.

9. Manage Finances: Keep track of your income and expenses, especially if freelancing is a significant source of income. Set aside money for taxes and consider creating a dedicated business account.

10. Continuous Learning: Stay updated with industry trends and continuously improve your skills. Attend webinars, take online courses, and invest in your professional development to stay competitive in the freelancing market.

Embarking on a freelancing side hustle is not just a source of additional income—it’s a journey of self-discovery, skill enhancement, and professional growth. By embracing freelancing, you have the opportunity to shape your own professional path, take control of your time, and create a fulfilling and lucrative side hustle that aligns with your aspirations and lifestyle.


The year 2024 presents a plethora of untapped side hustle ideas that 99% of people don’t know. From leveraging emerging technologies to tapping into niche markets, there are countless ways to enhance one’s income and make the most of their spare time. With the right mindset, determination, and a willingness to explore new possibilities, individuals can uncover side hustle ideas that will not only supplement their finances but also provide a sense of fulfillment and personal growth. So, as we embark on this new era, let us embrace the unknown, think outside the box, and discover the best side hustle ideas that the 99% of people don’t know yet.

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