
Exposed: Course Creators  Are Scamming You

Have you ever felt scammed by a course creator? You’re not alone. In a world filled with online courses, it’s unfortunate that there are course creators out there who engage in deceptive practices and scam unsuspecting students. These scammers overpromise and underdeliver, leaving students feeling cheated and disappointed. 

In this blog post we will expose these scammers and discuss how course creators can become better. We will also explore how to become a transparent course creator offering disclosure, how course creators use courses as bait for a high ticket, and how to avoid horrible customer experience. Join us on this journey to discover the truth behind course creators scamming people.

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The Rise of Online Courses and the Promise of Transformation

The advent of online courses has completely transformed the way we engage in learning and acquire new skills. With just a few clicks, we can readily enroll in courses that promise to revolutionize our lives, be it by mastering a new language, acquiring proficiency in a musical instrument, honing our culinary skills, or even embarking on a journey towards becoming a thriving entrepreneur.

The promise of transformation is a powerful lure that draws countless students to these online platforms. However, the actuality often falls far short of the lofty promises. Numerous students find themselves disheartened and disenchanted after dedicating their time, finances, and aspirations to what they believed would be a life-changing educational experience. Instead of acquiring the knowledge and abilities they were assured of, they are left with poor quality courses and a disappointing educational journey.

The culprits responsible for these letdowns are unscrupulous course creators who employ persuasive marketing strategies, making audacious assertions and painting an idealized image of the benefits their courses can provide. They capitalize on the genuine desire of individuals to grow and acquire fresh skills, pledging to unlock hidden potentials, transform novices into experts in mere minutes, and furnish the key to a brighter future. Regrettably, the stark reality is that these course creators frequently overpromise and underdeliver on their grandiose assurances. This not only tarnishes the reputation of these course creators but also shatters the trust of students who are earnestly seeking genuine transformation.

The Impact of False Promises on Students

When students enroll in online courses, they do so with high hopes of acquiring valuable knowledge and skills that will positively transform their lives. Unfortunately, a significant number of course creators fall short of delivering on these promises, leaving students feeling disillusioned and betrayed. Here are various ways in which course creators disappoint their students:

course creators scams
  • Waste of time and resources: Any course that fails to meet students’ expectations is a complete waste of their precious time and resources. Individuals seeking value invest not only money but also their time and aspirations into courses that pledge to bring about life-transforming changes. However, when these commitments go unfulfilled, students are left with a sense of being swindled and misled. They may have dedicated weeks or even months to a course, only to discover that its content is disorganized, lacks depth, or is devoid of real value.
  • Sense of Hopelessness: Many of us have encountered courses that left us utterly disheartened, devoid of the content we had hoped to gain. The ensuing disappointment and frustration can plunge individuals into a state of hopelessness, causing them to lose faith in the concept of worthwhile courses altogether.
  • Lost trust: Terrible experiences with courses have made people vow never to waste their time on courses again. I recently came across a TikTok user complaining bitterly about courses and how they were scams and a total waste. I couldn’t help but pity her; it seems like she has had enough bad experiences to last her a lifetime, for individuals like her, it may take an exceptional free course to rekindle their confidence in educational offerings. Students who have been scammed or disappointed by course creators become hesitant to invest in future courses or online learning platforms.
  • Waste of money: Poor value courses leave people feeling like they have wasted their money, which they may have even borrowed. Many students invest a significant amount of money in courses, expecting a return on their investment. When the promised outcomes are not delivered, students not only lose the money they spent on the course but also the opportunity to have invested that money elsewhere.
  • Psychological impact: False promises also take a toll on students’ psychological well-being. The disappointment of not receiving what was guaranteed can lead to feelings of self-doubt and inadequacy. Students may begin to question their own abilities and lose confidence in their potential for personal growth and success.”

How Course Creators Overpromise and Underdeliver

Most course creators often over-promise and underdeliver by making false claims about the benefits and outcomes of their courses. They employ persuasive marketing strategies to portray an idealistic picture of what their courses can offer, capitalizing on people’s aspirations for personal growth and success. Some ways course creators tend to overpromise and subsequently underdeliver include:

Course creators are scamming you
  • Low-quality courses: One of the ways course creators over-promise and underdeliver is by offering low-quality courses. They may promise to provide comprehensive and in-depth knowledge, but the content is poorly organized, lacks important information, and fails to deliver the level of education promised. This can leave students feeling frustrated and used, as they have invested their time and money into something that did not meet their expectations.
  • Overnight success and result: Course creators promise instant results and overnight success, which is never possible because success does not happen overnight. They create a false sense of urgency and pressure students into making quick decisions. They may promise that students can become experts in a particular field or earn a significant income in a short amount of time. However, the reality is that true mastery and success require dedication, hard work, and time.
  • Lack of support: Course creators may fail to provide ongoing support and engagement with their students. They may promise to be available for questions and guidance, but then disappear once the course is completed. This lack of support can leave students feeling lost and unsupported, hindering their progress and growth.

Becoming a Better and Transparent Course Creator

As a course creator, your primary mission is to serve. You’re not just imparting information; you’re also facilitating transformation for your customers. It is imperative for educators to enhance their practices and be more transparent. You owe it to your students to fulfill your promises and provide them with a genuine and valuable learning experience. Course creators should search for best course ideas, to know the best course ideas this year. Here are several crucial steps you can take to become a more transparent and effective course creator:

  • Embrace Honesty: While it may not always be the most appealing message, honesty is what your audience genuinely seeks. Just as you wouldn’t want to be deceived, avoid misleading others. As creators, it is our duty to be truthful about what our courses can and cannot deliver. Steer clear of making false claims or exaggerating the potential outcomes of your courses. Instead, focus on setting realistic expectations and clearly communicate the benefits students can anticipate from enrolling in your courses.
  • Offer Full Disclosure: Another fundamental aspect of becoming a transparent course creator is providing full disclosure. Be transparent about your qualifications and expertise in the subject matter you are teaching. It is vital for students to know that they are learning from someone with the requisite knowledge and experience to guide them effectively.
  • Be Accessible: Additionally, be open and accessible for questions and support throughout the course. Actively engage with your students, address their concerns, and create a supportive learning environment to help them succeed. This entails being responsive to emails, delivering timely feedback, and offering additional resources or guidance when necessary.
  • Seek feedback: We should regularly seek feedback from our students and use it to improve our courses. This can involve conducting surveys, implementing student evaluations, or engaging in direct conversations with your students. By attentively listening to their feedback and making necessary improvements, you can ensure that your courses are continuously evolving and meeting your students’ needs.
  • Say no to greed: It’s crucial to relinquish selfish and greedy motivations, prioritizing not only your own interests but also the welfare of your customers. When you decide to put something out there, make sure it’s something that will not only benefit you, but also provides genuine value to your customers. Customers are more likely to invest when they receive what they ordered or ideally something that surpasses their expectations.

Offering Full Disclosure and Managing Expectations

Course creators are not fully disclosing the steps and what it will require people to get the transformation they are searching for. For instance, a course that says you can make $30,000 in 7 days. Okay that’s cool but they are not letting people know that they need an audience- an audience that has already bought into them. Someone starting from scratch will gain little from such a course, but creators deceive people to get the course even if it’s not going to be of any use to them at the time. 

When it comes to creating online courses, offering disclosure and managing expectations is crucial for maintaining trust and ensuring a positive learning experience for students. As course creators, we have a responsibility to be transparent about our qualifications, expertise, and what our courses can realistically offer. Here are some ways to offer disclosure:

  • Clear outline: One way to offer disclosure is by clearly outlining our background and credentials in the subject matter we are teaching. This transparent approach helps students recognize that they are learning from a knowledgeable and experienced source, establishing trust and confidence in your abilities as a course creator.
  • Manage expectations: Managing expectations is vital to avoid over-promising and under-delivering. We should be honest about the limitations of our courses and the time and effort required from students to achieve the desired outcomes. By setting realistic expectations, we can avoid disappointing students and ensure they are prepared for the learning journey ahead.
  • Provide clear course outline: Providing a clear course outline and syllabus is another vital aspect of managing expectations. This enables students to understand the topics covered, learning objectives, and expected outcomes, giving them a clear roadmap for the course and helping them manage their expectations.

By offering disclosure and managing expectations, we can create a transparent and trustworthy learning environment. Students will appreciate our honesty and be more likely to have a positive learning experience. As course creators, it is our responsibility to prioritize the success and satisfaction of our students, offering disclosure and managing expectations is a crucial step in achieving that goal. As a good course creator you can build a multi-million dollar online business with your courses.

Avoiding Deceptive Tactics and High-Priced Offerings

In the realm of online courses, there are regretfully some creators who employ deceptive tactics and utilize high-priced sales strategies to deceive students. These creators may present their course as a comprehensive solution while deliberately withholding crucial information. When students discover that the course is incomplete, they are encouraged to purchase additional, more expensive courses. These tactics can be both frustrating and harmful to unsuspecting learners. Here are steps to avoid falling victim to these schemes:

  • Conduct Thorough Research: Before investing your hard-earned money, it’s essential to conduct thorough research on any course or program. Seek out reviews, comments, and testimonials from past students. Watch for red flags or complaints. Be cautious of courses that promise instant success or results, as these often sound too good to be true.
  • Examine the course: Examine the course content and curriculum closely. Is it comprehensive and well-structured? Does it align with your goals and expectations? A reputable course will provide a clear outline of what will be covered and the skills you can expect to gain.
  • Exercise Caution with High-Priced Sales: While quality education comes at a cost, it’s crucial to ensure you receive value for your investment. Assess the reputation and track record of the course creator. Weigh the cost against the benefits and outcomes you anticipate achieving.
  • Trust your instincts: If something feels off or too good to be true, it probably is. Don’t be afraid to ask questions, seek clarification, or reach out to the course creator directly. A transparent and trustworthy course creator will be happy to provide the information and support you need to make an informed decision.

By avoiding bait-and-switch tactics and high-priced sales, you can protect yourself from deceptive course creators. Remember, your education and personal growth are worth investing in, but it’s essential to do so with caution.

Providing a Great Customer Experience

Providing a great customer experience is essential for course creators who want to build a positive reputation and attract loyal students. When students enroll in our courses, they are not just looking for knowledge and skills, but also an enriching, supportive, and engaging experience. Here are key elements of a great customer experience:

  • Effective Communication: Clear and consistent communication is fundamental to a great customer experience. From the moment a student enrolls, be proactive in reaching out to provide all necessary information and resources. This includes a welcome email, a clear course outline, and instructions on navigating the course platform.
  • Community: It’s also very necessary to create a community or forum where students can interact with each other and with you as the course creator, this fosters a sense of belonging and camaraderie.
  • Offer bonuses: Another important aspect of providing a great customer experience is offering additional resources and opportunities for growth. This could include bonus materials, additional readings, or even live Q&A sessions. By going the extra mile to offer valuable resources, you demonstrate your commitment to your students’ success and create a memorable learning experience.
  • Seek Feedback: Regularly seek feedback from your students and use it to improve your courses. Whether through surveys, evaluations, or direct conversations, listening to their feedback is crucial for understanding their needs and areas for improvement. By continually refining your courses based on student feedback, you can ensure your customers have the best possible experience.

What Inspires Customer Loyalty

Customer loyalty is a valuable asset for businesses, including course creators. When students develop loyalty to a course creator, they are more inclined to enroll in future courses, endorse the creator to others, and become brand advocates. But what exactly fosters customer loyalty?

  • Exceptional Customer Experience: Building loyalty hinges on delivering a remarkable customer experience. When students feel valued, supported, and heard, they are more likely to form a bond with the course creator. This encompasses transparent and consistent communication, prompt responses to inquiries, and a personalized approach to addressing their needs and concerns.
  • Course quality: Another crucial contributor to customer loyalty is the quality of the course itself. When students perceive that a course has fulfilled its promises, imparted valuable knowledge and skills, and aided in achieving their objectives, they are more inclined to become loyal patrons. High-caliber content, well-structured materials, and engaging teaching methodologies collectively enhance the learning experience and, subsequently, customer loyalty.
  • Ongoing support: Ongoing support and engagement with students also play a crucial role in building loyalty. By offering continued guidance, resources, and opportunities for growth even after the course has ended, course creators can foster a sense of community and create lasting connections with their students.
  • Reputation and Track Record: A course creator’s reputation and track record significantly influence customer loyalty. When students witness consistent delivery of top-notch courses, recognition of students’ success, and adherence to ethical standards, they are more likely to place their trust in and remain loyal to the creator.


While there are course creators out there who are scamming people, it’s possible for both students and course creators to make a positive change. By being informed and discerning as students, and by becoming better and more transparent course creators, we can create an online learning landscape that is built on trust, integrity, and genuine transformation. So let’s work together to expose scammers, protect ourselves, and create a better future for online education.

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